It is important for college students to have insurance coverage for various aspects of their lives. Since most of them would have meager financial resources, they would need to be covered adequately for any kind of eventuality. People who have the least financial support would require the maximum amount of insurance coverage. College student insurance is essential for virtually all kinds of students.

Auto insurance is probably the most important type of college student insurance since most students would probably own a vehicle. Since very few cities have good public transport facilities, most students would end up requiring a vehicle. Therefore, they would need an auto insurance policy that covers them adequately. Even if they do not own a vehicle, they might need a non-owner's vehicle insurance if they occasionally drive an automobile that they have borrowed from a friend or relative, or have hired one from a car rental service.

Students will hardly have sufficient money to pay for damages in the case of a vehicle accident. Therefore, it is extremely important for them to get proper coverage for themselves and their vehicles through a comprehensive student insurance policy.

Apart from having their vehicles covered, they would also require health insurance to take care of expenses during a medical emergency. Almost everyone, students too, are liable to get sick. Sometimes, the sickness might require hospitalization too. Since medical expenses can be prohibitively high, students should have a comprehensive medical insurance policy that covers them for all possible medical costs. Since most of them would be young and in good health, the premium amounts they need to pay periodically would be considerably low when compared to that of working adults.

They can also go for a life insurance policy. However, since they may not have dependents at this young age, they can likely skip this insurance if need be. However, it they have elderly people who are supporting them financially for their studies, they can nominate them for the benefits in the event of their death.

Students can also insure their assets like computers, cell phones and other items that they use everyday. Since these are expensive devices, having them insured for theft or damage would be a good idea. In case the items are stolen or damaged, the insurance company would pay for the repair or replacement of these items. These are some of the insurance policies that students might need during their years in college.

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See More →The Need For College Student Insurance

Insurance companies exist due to mathematics, statistical probability, and the realization that they can make money offering insurance. If the insurance companies can make money due to the statistical probability, then it becomes a good deal for the insurance company, but a statistically bad deal for the individual. If this is so, and we can easily mathematically prove this, then why does the government make you buy it? Okay so let's talk about this for second shall we?

Because we have a rule that says that hospitals must help anyone that walks in the door, as that is a real regulation in the medical industry, then it doesn't make sense or isn't fair for the hospital when someone cannot pay. Therefore, our government's solution is to put a another regulation on the table stating that everyone must buy insurance. Unfortunately, everyone cannot afford insurance, so those that can't won't be made to purchase it, but those that can must.

Indeed, after doing this this adds more statistical probability to the equation, and it means that those that pay, must pay more because there are fewer people paying into that system. The federal government is making the citizens buy something that is not statistically in their best interest, under the auspice and theory that somehow spreading the risk is in everyone's best interest, even though they can't mathematically prove it, and yes they've tried using the Congressional Budget Office.

It's hard to say how the Supreme Court could say that it is the government's duty to make individuals buy something that is not in their best interest statistically. There is no empirical evidence to prove otherwise, and yet, for some reason they have been allowed to do this, and now it has been labeled as a tax. However, it isn't this then a taxation without representation, and we are paying the tax as a penalty if we don't buy insurance, and being forced to buy that insurance from a private company.

This is the epitome of crony capitalism, and it's really not much different than the tea tax imposed on the colonists which led to the Revolutionary War. Imagine living during the time of the Townshend Acts where the police, or redcoats fully armed had continuous skirmishes with the colonists. That doesn't seem to be a world that you wish to live in, and wasn't the reason for the list of grievances being sent to the King dissolving that connection which started the revolution.

Make no mistake, insurance is statistically a bad deal for the individual, and the government has no right to make you buy it. Nor do they have any right to penalize you for not purchasing it, or purchasing it so that others might get it for free. We've completely overstepped the bounds of free-market capitalism and what this great nation stands for. I just hope we don't have to pay the price; again. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Politics and Economics. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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See More →If Insurance Is Statistically A Bad Deal for the Individual Why Does The Government Make You Buy It?

While the Gulf region in the Middle East has typically been viewed as an area defined by oil and construction related work, more recently the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region has seen its insurance industry come into its own. In order to get a better idea of how the industry has been developing regionally, the Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) Authority performed a survey titled the "GCC Insurance Barometer".

For the study, they surveyed twenty executives from insurance providers and intermediaries that were either part of international or local companies operating in the GCC region (this includes Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E., Oman, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain). The respondents were given in-depth questions about their predictions for the future of the insurance industry in the region and asked to identify challenges, strengths, weaknesses and opportunities that may be present.

Those polled believed that the insurance industry in the GCC region would continue to prosper in the near future. With the regional insurance market currently estimated to be US$15 billion, 60 percent of the survey respondents expected the industry to outgrow itself by 2015. However, even though survey respondents believe the insurance industry will outpace the growth of GDP, 60 percent believed that prices on personal lines of insurance would remain stable while 55 percent believed that commercial insurance would do the same.

Some reasons that lead the majority of those asked to think the premiums taken in by the insurance industry will continue to outpace the region's GDP include the fact that insurance penetration is extraordinarily low, providing it ample opportunity to grow; regional governments have also been making investments into healthcare infrastructure, such as Dubai has with the development of the Dubai Healthcare City.

With many GCC nations currently debating the implementation of mandatory health insurance initiatives due to rising costs of healthcare, the increasing awareness may be helping to spur citizens into being proactive about their insurance needs, especially when it comes to medical insurance. Bahrain for instance saw the premiums brought in by its insurance sector grow 312 percent between 2001 and 2010, and during this time medical insurance saw the largest growth in demand, with the number of medical insurance policies sold growing 1,840 percent during the decade.

Indeed, the vast majority of the executives interviewed believed that the biggest driver of growth for the insurance sector would be further mandatory insurance programs advanced by governments. Many countries such as Bahrain, Qatar and Dubai are moving towards mandatory health insurance requirements, especially for expatriates.

Given the strong growth already demonstrated, and the ongoing possibility for more compulsory insurance plans, 60 percent of the surveyed executives are expecting foreign insurance companies to gain market share in the next 2 years. Executives put this down to the abilities of foreign insurance companies, such as their technical and distribution proficiencies, combined with the expatriate population's proclivity to purchase insurance from companies they recognize.

However, there were some concerns expressed, with the survey showing 60 percent of the executives believed the regulatory framework in the region to be inadequate, with many pointing to regulations covering solvency ratios and capital requirements. Despite this and other weaknesses and challenges in the market, the overall outlook remains positive. With the growth the insurance industry has previously displayed and the plans for further development of healthcare infrastructure alongside further mandatory health insurance requirements, there continues to be many opportunities for both local growth and international investment.

If you have further questions on Global Health Insurance plans, Ben Stanley invites you to visit You can find in depth information on a variety of global health insurance plans from different insurers, or visit to get in touch with an experienced adviser who can offer you advice and free quotes on global health insurance plans that may fit your needs.

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See More →GCC Predicts Regional Insurance Market Set for Growth

Architects, surveyors and consulting engineers fees incurred in reinstating subsidence damage are usually insured under the subsidence insurance policy wordings. The amount of fees being limited to the appropriate professional scale (if any); the cover for fees is contained within the sum insured. Reasonable costs incurred in determining the cause of subsidence are normally regarded as part of the reinstatement costs, assuming that the damage is established as having been caused by subsidence, landslip or ground heave. Consequently the cost of trial holes, or in more exceptional cases, a site investigation, will be claimable under a home insurance policy if the damage is related to the operation of an insured peril, whereas it will be the sole responsibility of the building owner in any other case.

Problems can arise in relation to overlapping of professional fees. If, for example, a surveyor or an architect is appointed to deal with the repair of serious subsidence damage, an engineer is frequently appointed to advise on underpinning. The engineer investigates the existing foundations, prepares a scheme including drawings for underpinning, often invites specialists' tenders for this work and then supervises the underpinning.


In a contract with which Mr Robbucka was concerned, the total contract sum was some £10,000, of which £8,000 was expended on underpinning. In cases such as this, it is, in Mr Robbucka's submission, inequitable for a surveyor or architect to seek to charge the full professional scale fee on all the works, as if the consulting engineer had not been employed, in addition to the engineer's charges. If both parties charge full-scale fees, the total fees in relation to underpinning can approach 25% of the cost of the works, which is high. If the surveyor or architect does not perform the full duties specified in the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) or Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) scales of professional charges, they are clearly not entitled to the full percentage scale fee.

The problem is usually overcome by the surveyor or architect accepting a lower percentage charge, say 3-5% for co-ordinating the underpinning works dealt with by the engineer; the normal surveyor's or architect's fee is then charged on other works associated with the repair of the superstructure.

Professional fees are only payable under a subsidence home insurance policy when the building damage is reinstated; therefore if an owner decides not to repair his house, he will not be entitled to claim any fees under his policy.

A new feature has been the developing practice of insurers in funding initial investigations, usually by an appointed loss adjuster with engineering expertise. If a bona fide claim is established, the loss adjuster frequently prepares a scheme for repairs and is involved in contract management during the progress of the works. The subsidence home insurance policy wording remains unchanged and the insured remains entitled to appoint his/her own professional representative and to recover fees necessarily incurred in reinstating damage.

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See More →Professional Fees in Subsidence Insurance Claims

Are you going to start a new small business? If it's a yes then feel free to read the article to understand the importance of small business insurance. It is pretty obvious that you can easily face risk when it comes to business. It doesn't matter that you are running a small business or a huge organization risks are always expected. To reduce the issue of risks in your business, I will suggest you to pursue quality business insurance. This article will help you to understand the importance of insurance in your life and its outcomes when you are in need of money.

Why Small Business Insurance?

If you are running a small business then it is very important to go for certain coverage policies that can help you to bear the financial chaos during the unfortunate moments of life. Not only providing help in crisis, coverage policies also helps you to enhance the credibility of your business in certain ways. In fact your employees feel secured once they got to know that their organization is properly covered under specific insurance policies.

There are certain categories of business insurances but major aspects that you really have to cover under a coverage policy are mentioned below.

• Include any sort of physical damage to your business property
• Public Law Suits
• Covering employee life hazard policies etc.

There are different types of small business insurance policies and it depends on you to select only one or combine different policies. Just make sure that you are fully aware of proper techniques and strategies to choose a proper coverage plan instead of losing any point. Always remember to cover all major and minor points while choosing a proper coverage policy because a small mistake can be a huge risk for you in future.

Don't forget that your business is always under a threat of facing all type of lawsuits imposed by third parties. If a third party is filing a lawsuit on you then there must be a reason and coverage policies offer you the facility of lawyers that can defend you without paying any amount. In such circumstances, business liability insurance can help you to face all the expenses including medical and legal fees etc.

Another major problem in small business is your business property. You will surely never allow anyone to mess-up with your business property and it can be helpful only if you have proper coverage policies. In case, if you are facing any legal issues about your business then insurance company will also cover your furniture, fixture and other physical assets of your small business.

Hence, small business insurance is a good approach to secure your business and future in a perfect way. For more details and help you can follow the links below in resource box.

OzInsure is a leading insurance company in Australia providing cheap contents insurance, If you are looking for the best insurance company in Australia then you should look at compare home insurance.

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See More →Exclusive Tips to Pursue Reliable Small Business Insurance!

These days it seems as if there are a hundred different types of insurance marketed to people on a regular basis, and it can be difficult to decide which type of insurance is best suited for you. While almost everyone will get the type of insurance that is obligatory like car insurance, some people will also want to get insurance for other things. If you have items or belongings of yours that are considered to be very valuable, then you might want to consider purchasing insurance for them to protect against the possibility of them being stolen or lost.

If you take some time to do research you will find that high value insurance is becoming increasingly popular, as more and more people look to protect their assets. That fine piece of art or those jewelry items are not just nice looking objects - they have considerable worth and could be resold to make you a lot of money in the future. As such, it could be considered foolish to leave those items lying around when there is the possibility that they could be stolen and you would then lose all of that value that was there initially.

This is where high value insurance can prove to be very advantageous to you, because it can cover a number of different possibilities. With high value insurance you can be sure to receive financial compensation for art or jewelry that is stolen, so this is definitely something that you should consider if you wish to maintain a firm hold on your assets. With the right high value insurance you will be fully protected against loss that could be incurred to you though burglaries in your home, and there are a lot of different things that can be insured, including your jewelry and luxury cars.

Finding the right high value insurance is something that can take quite a bit of time, so it is important not to rush into any decisions until you have thoroughly thought things through and done your research. The first step is to determine what items you wish to insure. These could be your precious jewelry, fine art, or perhaps a luxury vehicle that you own. Once you know what you would like to purchase insurance for, then it is time to seek out an insurance broker or insurance provider that will be able to cover them for you.

You can find a wide range of insurance providers online, but never make the mistake of picking one out too soon. There are a variety of details that you will want to consider carefully before any decisions are made about which type of insurance policy you will purchase and which insurance provider you will purchase it from. Make sure to take your time and find out how much you will have to pay on your premiums and learn about other details like how much compensation will be received in the event that you need to take out an insurance claim in the future.

There's not many expensive jewellery insurance around so here's a recommendation to a trusted site!

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See More →Tips on Choosing High Value Insurance

If your health should be among your priorities these days and as such, you should also know of hospital insurance policies that provide coverage to hospital patients, even with the absence of regular health insurance. This is what we all call the "hospital care-only" insurance coverage. It is a kind of health insurance plan that specifically covers hospital confinement due to accidents, illnesses, and intensive care due to convalescence. Private citizens in the U.S. were required to pay for monthly premiums to their choice of privatized insurance companies. Federal/State government employees on the other hand, were not required.

Hospital insurance plans only cover specific services that you will most likely receive inside hospitals as a patient. Outpatient services such as lab tests performed outside the hospital, visits to the doctor and your annual health exams will not be covered. This particular insurance type does not cover surgery performed in outpatient clinics as well.

While in the case of some individuals who are unable to afford any comprehensive health insurance coverage that addresses doctor's visits, preventive care, hospitalization or lab tests, hospital-only insurance coverage becomes a great alternative that would address their specific needs. This is in contrast to the comprehensive coverage characteristic of general health insurance plans, which is expensive.

In every sense, having no hospital insurance coverage will leave you to face different and serious consequences. You can expect to go into debt by having to face all the medical bills alone before you. This could have you contemplate filing for bankruptcy should worse go to worst. Another sad and unwanted scenario is not getting that needed hospital treatment just because you do not have this particular insurance type, or because you may have no insurance at all. Drowning from all your hospital bills is a situation you do not want to get yourself into. It's all about being smart.

Think of hospital insurance as coverage that will protect you in case of catastrophic accidents or illnesses. This insurance type also makes sense if you are not insured, and that you are planning a baby. You can purchase hospital insurance just before you get pregnant to cover for the maternal needs inside the hospital as you finally deliver your baby. Having a family plan on the other hand gets the baby covered for hospital care automatically.

If in some cases you are required to undergo surgery, hospital insurance coverage will also help you financially, since it mainly takes care of the hospital expenses. However, you also need to check on pre-existing condition clauses though before you purchase one so you will identify the exact depth of the coverage.

Finally, if you are already armed with a comprehensive health insurance coverage while expecting a scheduled major surgery, you may also need additional hospital insurance coverage to address your hospital expenses not entirely covered by your current plan. This happens in some cases, and you need to prepare yourself in this situation in every way. Think of it as a smart and inexpensive way to deal with the hospital expenses, get the most of hospital coverage and enjoy your hospital stay.

The author gives advice on getting the best hospital cash back plan. To read more visit

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See More →Why Should You Get Hospital Insurance?

When you have a clean driving record, sometimes finding affordable and flexible auto insurance can be difficult. As you can imagine, when you have a spotty driving record, finding an affordable and flexible insurance plan is even more difficult. Insurance is all associated with risk, whether it is automobile insurance or homeowner's insurance. When the insurance company takes on more risk, it charges policyholders higher premiums. All of the money charged goes into a pool from which claims are paid. Just because you are considered high risk does not mean you have to remain in the high risk category the entire time you are with your insurer. Learn how a company can provide you with the high risk insurance plan you need, at a price you can afford and stop looking for insurance through subpar insurance companies.

Who Needs High Risk Insurance?

You might be wondering who is considered a high risk driver. When you have a driving violation, you are considered a riskier driver than an individual with a clean driving record. While you are riskier, you are not considered a high risk driver with just one minor moving violation. You are a driver who is considered a risk when you have several points on your driving record. You might have a DUI, reckless driving convictions, or a mixture of tickets and accidents that have been reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles. If you have been at risk of losing your license because of your driving record or you have only recently gotten your license back, you will need insurance of this type.

Building a Policy You Can Afford

Insurance companies who do not specialize in covering high risk drivers will charge such drivers very high premiums to balance the risk they take by insuring a driver. If you are a high risk driver or you require an SR-22 for proof of financial responsibility, it is in your best interest to go with a company that specializes in covering drivers like you. With some research, you can find companies that offer affordable plans that can be customized to meet your needs. You do not have to break the bank just to get insurance to drive legally on the road.

All drivers are required by law to carry auto insurance when driving any vehicle on public roadways. If you do not have insurance or you are paying too much for your insurance, visit a variety of websites to learn more about reliable companies with insurance plans for high risk drivers and you will find a plan with good coverage that you can afford.

The author has spent a lot of time learning about and other related topics. Read more about Lincoln Risk Insurance at the author's website.

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See More →What Is High Risk Insurance and Do You Need It?

A person might be thinking that this is an insurance product. However, it is a way of paying for an insurance policy. In many cases, the cost of insurance could be unaffordable, especially when the coverage is extensive. This is a sure way to make insurance more affordable by sharing the outlay of the policy, or the premium between more than one party. In most cases, it is usually between an employer and employee.

For instance, an employer could wish to give benefits to some employees. For employees who are old, coverage for insurance could be relatively expensive; hence, the company could be willing to pay the cash-value part of the premium, while those employees pay the coverage part only. This is comfortable for the employee, knowing that is family is provided for. In addition, the goal of motivating the employee is achieved. When the covered person dies, benefits of the policy are reimbursed to the company for its premium contributions and the rest goes to the beneficiaries.

This is a sure way of saving money on life insurance, since it does not give space for confusion in relation to the ownership of the policy. There are three main ways on how the split-dollar life insurance is treated.

1. The first one is where the ownership of the policy is in the hands of the insured person. The legal documents in this case will show that a portion of the benefits from holder's death is given to the employer and what is left is disbursed to the respective beneficiaries. If the employee does not work for the company anymore, there is repayment of all contributions from the cash value of the policy and the original agreement is dissolved.

2. The second is the collateral agreement. This is where the employee owns the policy and the employer pays a portion of the premiums. According to this policy, the employer's contribution is treated as a zero-interest loan, which is payable at the death of the employee. The employer is repaid the equivalent of his or her contributions.

3. The third is the endorsement method. The policy is bought by the employer and hence becomes the owner. In this case, the employee is the beneficiary of the policy. However, the distribution of the benefits has a separate agreement.

For these payments, there is no tax exemptions for the premiums paid. The company can howeve, include the premiums as expenses, and can be deducted from pre-tax profits. The final payments and death benefits are both tax-free.

We provide the best info about save money on life insurance and how to save money on life insurance. For further details please visit the provided links.

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See More →Split Dollar Insurance - More About It

For any individual who is serious enough regarding his financial plan for the future, making an allotment for contingencies is a must. It cannot be emphasized enough that uncertainty have to be factored when dealing with our future plans. Although we may be diligent and hardworking enough so as to ensure there is a good amount of provision to cover our future needs, there are instances that can go over and above what we have been able to save in terms of personal finances. It is these kind of circumstances that we need to be prepared about. Expressed another way, we need to have some kind of financial buffer so that our financial stability won't be affected with unforeseen events such as natural calamities, accidents, and serious illnesses. As it is, these unfortunate events tends to happen at a time that we are least financially prepared. The emotional setback from such circumstances is difficult enough, so it would be wise to be at least financially ready.

One good way of preparing for financial contingencies such as discussed above is through an insurance coverage plan. There are various types of insurance coverage that covers different types of emergencies. Getting a plan requires paying a certain amount of premium, but is worth paying one since the benefits stipulated in the coverage is usually a larger sum than the payments made for such a plan. It is therefore a good option to avail of an insurance policy plan to make a ready provision for uncertainties that occur in the future.

An accident insurance plan is one example of a good plan to consider securing coverage for. In case of an accident and as per the stipulations specifically stated in the policy, an accident victim may be able to claim monetary awards in relation to an accident. This is different and apart from such awards he may be entitled to receive from the party who caused the accident in the first place. An accident insurance terms may cover financial award in consideration of lost capacity to earn as well as the actual damage sustained in a particular accident.

Another type of insurance plan, which is quite common, is the life insurance plan. This is mostly beneficial for those who do not want their families or loved ones to bear any financial burden related to funeral and burial expenses once they pass away. This type of insurance plan defray the cost of the funeral, casket, as well as all other final expenses for a deceased individual. Proceeds from such a plan can also be used to pay for any debt that may have been left behind by the deceased person, such as mortgage; or any kind of debt for that matter. Depending on the plan availed of, beneficiaries may also be a recipient of a financial support for a definite period of time after the concerned individual's death if it has been so arranged and paid for as a part of the plan. In this case, those who have been left behind will not be in a sudden financial want since the pre-arranged insurance plan sort of covers for the lost income of the deceased individual.

It can be clearly seen from the above discussion that an insurance plan plays a very crucial role in normalizing situations after an emergency or an unwanted and difficult situation. It would be a very practical decision, therefore, for a person thinking about his contingency plan for the future to consider a policy plan that will specifically address his predetermined future concerns.

If you are concerned about having a financially secure future in Mississauga, cosult Mississauga Life Insurance, a company that serves the insurance needs of people in Mississauga area.

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See More →How Important Is An Insurance Plan?

The daily action plan is a step-by-step approach to help you meet your selling goals and produce a compelling insurance career. An insurance agent who follows a daily action plan diligently is most likely to achieve success. Below is an example of a good daily action plan.

1. Get up and do the work. Since you are now self-employed, discipline must begin from yourself. Know what your responsibilities and duties on your work and make sure that you, yourself is responsible enough on your actions inside and outside work.

2. Organize your thoughts. List all the things you need to do, work and non-work related. It helps prepare your mind set and gives you direction on your plans throughout the day. One of the ways to do so through writing it on a notebook / notepad, or probably a small white board that you can place on your station where you can list all the things you need to do for the day and probable on the upcoming days.

3. Determine your activity for the day. Schedule your activities as to when and where you will be most productive and most efficient. Making your own time management plan will help you out.

4. Do your record-keeping. Keep a record of your clients' numbers, the time and frequency of your calls and notes on your client calls.

5. Generate leads. If you call 15 people a day, you need to generate 15 new prospects to replace inventory. Be more proactive and don't let laziness conquer you.

6. Phone at the right time. Do not be trapped into calling only during the night. While it may be the best time to call most, there are also many prospects available to call during day time.

7. Do your homework. Knowledge is power. Having the right knowledge allows you to ask the proper questions to gain essential information you need. If you have extra time, you can actually take several online courses that may add up on your current knowledge, professional development, and so on.

8. Mail out marketing letters. Tip:a personalized approach is the best way to go. You can forego company affiliation and just write your name on the return section. You don't want people to be turned off by envelopes shouting THIS IS A MARKETING LETTER. Be creative. Sometimes, people like to read out letters that are not to serious, yet compelling to read.

9. Make those dreaded phone calls. Don't be disheartened if people won't grant you appointments. Instead, make this an opportunity to gain leads by asking for referrals. Some people may not be interested yet, but other may and this is one way for you to generate more leads and prospects.

10. Prepare for your interviews. Do your research and have information handy. Do not rely on current data you have, rather research on what things you should prepare for on an interview.

11. Go out on actual appointments. Be ahead of time in case you get lost. This also allows you to survey and get a feel of the area before doing the interview. Most clients like to see their agents get to appointments early rather than late. Getting early also helps you prepare yourself for the interview.

12. Do the actual interview. Ask key questions, present your product clearly, then close and ask for referred leads. Make sure that your client understood everything you have handed them.

13. Send out "thank you" letters. Send out a thank you card or letter after your interview. Avoid generic statements. People will remember you more if you are personal and sincere.

14. Update your list. At the end of the day, review your list and update it for the next day.

To know more about insurance careers and opportunities, feel free to visit as we offer pre-licensing, CE and Adjuster licensing and training for those who wants to pursue their insurance agent careers.

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See More →The DAILY ACTION PLAN: An Insurance Agents' Guide to Success

Funeral insurance, also known as burial insurance is a type of insurance created to pay for the costs of memorial and internment services. Nowadays, many people especially those who are not getting any younger are getting funeral insurance to deal with the costs of burial and funeral services when they die.

Most of these people do not want to leave any type of burden, especially financial burden, to their loved ones. Some of the costs covered by insurance policies are cremation, burial, plots, music, flowers, taxes and even medical costs.

Before purchasing funeral insurance, an interested person must consider things such as the location of the cemetery, arrangement and expenses of the funeral, cost of cremating and buying caskets or urns.

Aside from these considerations, he must also determine the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of insurance:

Cash to Shoulder the Funeral Arrangements. The insurance company will give the grieving loved ones lump sum cash that they can use for funeral arrangements.

The amount of cash usually depends on the type of funeral insurance policy that the dead relative has purchased.

A Car to Make Funeral Arrangements. While the family members are on the verge of arranging matters of his funeral, the insurance company will provide a car to make sure that they still feel comfortable while dealing with his death and getting ready for his interment at the same time.

Bonus Monthly Payout. The family members whom the insured person has left will be receiving monthly bonus cash from the insurance company. This amount of money is expected to help pay out for bills covering food and utility.

Chosen Funeral and Burial. A good thing about having a contract with an insurance company is that when he dies, he will have the memorial and interment services according to his will.

He will have a funeral and burial that he thinks he deserves.

Get A Tombstone. With the services that the company covers, the family members can choose a tombstone that will serve as his memory.

The disadvantages of purchasing funeral insurance are:

Insurance Policy May not Pay in Full. There are some companies offering funeral insurance that have waiting periods. These periods can reduce the benefits of the insured person. There can also be times when there can be no benefits at all. Some insurance policies can decrease in value as time passes by.

Insurance Policy May not be an investment. A person who chooses to have funeral insurance will have no control on how his money will be endowed. Another thing is that some companies offer very little interest rate. And lastly, some insurance policies are overpriced. This means that some of these policies cost more than the cost of funeral coverage. A person planning to get one must remember that by purchasing one means he is paying more premiums than collecting insurance claims.

With the advantages and disadvantages of funeral insurance, a person can see that it will be highly recommended to apply for a funeral insurance policy that will fit his needs and requirements.

The author gives advice on finding funeral cover in South Africa. To read more visit

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See More →The Pros And Cons Of Funeral Insurance

Income protection insurance not only covers employed individuals. These days, it is also offered to self-employed people. Now, a person who owns and manages his own business can rely on the insurance to make sure he will continue to get income even if he suddenly becomes unable to work. While in the past, self-employed people are not provided the same income protection level as those who are employed, now, a self-employed per can rely on his insurance cover.

Income protection insurance for self-employed individuals can provide short-term to long-term benefit payments. Are you considering applying for and taking one? You may choose from available plans that may last until your expected retirement age. If you need to file a claim for a long term because of a serious illness or injury (whereon you may possibly not be able to return to work), your payout can be provided each month until the end of the policy term. You may also opt for multiple claims if your medical condition or injury will disable you to work for the short term.

How much can income protection cover especially for self-employed individuals? If you will scour the market, you may find income protection insurance that covers about 50% of gross monthly income. That means in case you will be disabled to work, the insurer will provide you or your family with a monthly amount equivalent to half what you used to earn each month when you were still able to work. There are insurance products that cover 65% to 75% of gross monthly earnings.

Once the claim is filed, the insurer will determine the self-employed individual's monthly benefit level, which is based on regular earnings during point of claim. Some insurance companies average income for the past three years while others look at the income history for the last 12 months. The enterprise's tax returns and bank statements can be examined for this purpose.

For self-employed individuals, income protection can be sufficient for making sure stability is retained in case they will be struck by severe illness or injury. Payout from income protection insurance can be used for various purposes. The self-employed policyholder may decide the use the proceeds to pay mortgages, monthly expenses of the family, utility bills, or other regular outgoings. The funds can also be used for business-related purposes. In the end, income protection insurance is a must-have for self-employed individuals.

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