Insurance companies exist due to mathematics, statistical probability, and the realization that they can make money offering insurance. If the insurance companies can make money due to the statistical probability, then it becomes a good deal for the insurance company, but a statistically bad deal for the individual. If this is so, and we can easily mathematically prove this, then why does the government make you buy it? Okay so let's talk about this for second shall we?

Because we have a rule that says that hospitals must help anyone that walks in the door, as that is a real regulation in the medical industry, then it doesn't make sense or isn't fair for the hospital when someone cannot pay. Therefore, our government's solution is to put a another regulation on the table stating that everyone must buy insurance. Unfortunately, everyone cannot afford insurance, so those that can't won't be made to purchase it, but those that can must.

Indeed, after doing this this adds more statistical probability to the equation, and it means that those that pay, must pay more because there are fewer people paying into that system. The federal government is making the citizens buy something that is not statistically in their best interest, under the auspice and theory that somehow spreading the risk is in everyone's best interest, even though they can't mathematically prove it, and yes they've tried using the Congressional Budget Office.

It's hard to say how the Supreme Court could say that it is the government's duty to make individuals buy something that is not in their best interest statistically. There is no empirical evidence to prove otherwise, and yet, for some reason they have been allowed to do this, and now it has been labeled as a tax. However, it isn't this then a taxation without representation, and we are paying the tax as a penalty if we don't buy insurance, and being forced to buy that insurance from a private company.

This is the epitome of crony capitalism, and it's really not much different than the tea tax imposed on the colonists which led to the Revolutionary War. Imagine living during the time of the Townshend Acts where the police, or redcoats fully armed had continuous skirmishes with the colonists. That doesn't seem to be a world that you wish to live in, and wasn't the reason for the list of grievances being sent to the King dissolving that connection which started the revolution.

Make no mistake, insurance is statistically a bad deal for the individual, and the government has no right to make you buy it. Nor do they have any right to penalize you for not purchasing it, or purchasing it so that others might get it for free. We've completely overstepped the bounds of free-market capitalism and what this great nation stands for. I just hope we don't have to pay the price; again. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Politics and Economics. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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