8 Tips on how to start saving money on your car insurance premium today!

How often do you go about your car insurance? Once a year? Once every five years? Well with some of the recent increases in auto insurance premiums in Ontario, maybe it's time to for you to start your policy reviewed. You never know what you can save and after-all Christmas is just around the corner.
To help you keep some money in your pocket, we have 15 tips on how to start saving money on your car insurance for you.
1) buying a safer car. A common mistake that people make is to think that a cheaper vehicle is going to cost in auto insurance, less than a more expensive vehicle. That is not necessarily the case. Auto insurance rates are determined by a wide range of factors included how safe is a vehicle for the people who are in it. In Ontario is a big part of what you pay for the benefits of accident, the insurance company coverage for rehabilitation costs if you're injured in the vehicle.
2) Drive less. A factor that insurance companies use to determine your premium is how far you drive annually, and how far you drive to work. Carpooling with a co-worker or by walking to work, you can turn a nice little piece of premium. There are also other benefits to this too, it is healthier and better for the environment. It is a win-win!
3) combine your home & car. Many insurance companies offer huge discounts when you & your home car policy together with a company combine. When shopping for a car insurance make other 20 minutes to figure out how competitive their home insurance.
4) completely to pay. Most insurance companies charge between 3%-5% in service costs, you can pay for your car insurance premium in monthly installments. If you can make this option for you, it might mean a few hundred dollars in your pocket and also the peace of mind that your insurance is fully paid.
5) raise your deductible. A deductible is what you are willing to pay for the insurance company steps in to pay for a claim. By increasing your deductible from $ 300-$ 1000, you can see a drastic change in your premium.
6) eliminate the coverage that you don't really need. A lot of car insurance companies will automatically coverages included in their policy that you don't actually might. Eliminating collision & extensive coverage is a great option if you have an older vehicle drives. If you have more than one vehicle, you can consider removing coverage for rental cars.
7) Marry! Honest colleagues, we don't have the best reputation on the road because of our need for speed. That's probably why your insurance goes down once you are appreciated as being in a common law relationship or married. Another tip for newlyweds to a auto insurance with the same provider to take advantage of any multi-car discounts that they offer.
8) ask them for a discount. Insurance is a business and like any business have your best customers. If you already have a loyal customer of the same insurance company, do not have much claims and pay your bills on time, always try to ask them to lower your premium. Insurance companies spend a lot of money trying to find the right customers so they don't want to lose them. If they let us know that your ready to walk, they will usually beg you to stay.

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